Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Way Elementary Visit - Spring 2012

Last Spring, Jim, Anna, Lis and Shari had the wonderful opportunity to visit Way Elementary in the Bloomfield Hills School District.  Way has been on their Cultures of Thinking journey for several years.  Our CoT team visited several classrooms to observe thinking routines and experience the cultural shift that has occurred in this school.  They were also able to speak to classroom teachers about Cultures of Thinking.

Below are several pictures from their visit.  It was a valuable experience for the team and we're thankful to Way for opening their doors to us!  I hope you find inspiration and motivation from the slideshow!
Please post a comment below (no matter how short) ...your ideas and responses matter!

1 comment:

  1. I cann't wait until we take a visit to Way. On my visit, it was after school and while we could see the routines and student artifacts hanging up around the school, it was more like a ghost walk. I would love to go when I can see teachers and students in action.
