Third Grade Artifacts

Here are thinking routines that were done in our third grade classrooms.

Generate, Sort, Connect 

Students listened to story and created a headline that emphasized the main idea.   They shared their headline and discussed their thinking behind it.  As I reflect on the headlines, I was able to see who is understanding the main idea. Listen in to the conversations were even more powerful...students explaining their thinking really showed who understood what we read.

Sentence, Phrase, Word Thinking Routine
**Disclaimer: These are not actors! There was no editing done to this video clip.  Please be kind and realize that we are all on this journey together...trying thinking routines in our classrooms and promoting deeper thinking in our students!  
Using our textbooks, students worked independently reading a section to determine the main idea.  Each student then wrote down a sentence, phrase, and word that supported the main idea.  Students then met in partnerships sharing their sentence, phrase, and word.  They also explained why they thought it was important.  

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