Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Sometimes we think the perfect thinking routine creates a culture of thinkers. In actuality, we are learning that great teaching and learning happens best in an environment where all cultural forces are fostered. Check out this video from The Teaching Channel to see a perfect example of the cultural forces at play in a high school classroom.


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Keys to success?

Keys to success? Grit, a willingness to fail, and a growth mindset...


I saw this video and thought of our staff and our great conversations last week during our PD day... 

She mentions a growth mindset- which is such a big component of creating a culture of thinking and after Jim's encouraging words about learning from failure- this TED talk seemed just perfect. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Promoting Powerful Language in the Classroom

Last week, the Scotch staff focused on the cultural force of language. Thank you to Loren and Kelli for leading the staff through this important discussion! 

Staff members used the Generate, Sort, Connect routine to guide their learning. First, teachers generated on sticky notes the language that they hope to hear and use in their classrooms. Next, grade level PLCs worked together to sort the sticky notes by the 6 categories of language: community, identity, noticing & naming, agency, knowing, and feedback & praise. After reflecting as a PLC and walking around to read the ideas of others, individuals reflected on their own personal use of effective and powerful language in the classroom.